Sunday 20 December 2009

So Long, Farewell, Afoyo Matek...

So the time came for Sally and Nik to return to the UK. A difficult time for Karen and I, as we had valued their presence so much as part of our Gulu family! We were really privileged to have had Sally and Nik in Gulu when we arrived as we were instantly welcomed and immersed into Gulu life. Working with two professional and extremely competent Doctors made settling into work at the hospital much easier for us. It was great to have them on hand at work to answer the many queries that we had in the first few weeks. The daily debrief on our porch was always welcomed to help us cope with the sights and situations we'd seen during out day at the hospital.

From another perspective I can honestly say that I don't think we've had so much fun with a group of people as we had with Sally, Nik and Joe when they were here. From making a Flintstones car at Halloween to hiring a local band for Sally's birthday there was always something going on that we could enjoy all together. They also helped to expand our group by bringing Steph (Nik's girlfriend), Christian (Sally's boyfriend), ther dads Ian and Paul and Sally's sister Nicola over to Gulu. It was great to meet all of them and share some fantastic experiences together.

We spent our last weekend together: on Saturday we went to some waterfalls about an hour away from Gulu which were amazing! During the last part of the drive the grass was as high as the car and it felt as though no-one had ever ventured that way before. When we arrived the view was incredible- like something out of 'The Lion King'. As we explored we found three different waterfalls, had a picnic by the water's edge and spent the day relaxing, chatting and going for a dip in the water. On Sunday we decided to cook a roast (Head Chef Sally!). We cooked up a feast for the four of us and a few other friends and all had a lovely evening. After a few frantic days and one last night out we were travelling down to Entebbe before we knew it.

We left for Entebbe early in the morning and as we departed Gulu we watched the most incredible sunrise over the mist covered fields. After a short stop in Kampala so that Sally and Nik could fill their cases full of presents we travelled on to Entebbe where we had a relaxing evening at a lovely hotel after a very crazy week. The next morning it came to saying our goodbyes. While Sally, Karen and I were openly finding it quite difficult to hold ourselves together, Nik appeared to develop the need to keep his sunglasses on (on quite an overcast day in Entebbe- hmm, interesting.)

Karen and I are so glad that we were able to meet two fantastic people like Sally and Nik and share so many amazing/difficult/crazy/entertaining/challenging/hilarious/fun/poignant/brilliant moments with them: friends for life.

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